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Spam Should Elicit Stronger Response In 2007

By: David Utter

With one email security firm claiming that nine out of ten arriving messages are spam, 2007 could be the breakout year for antispam solutions.

Spam Should Elicit Stronger Response In 2007Whether companies go for dedicated gateway solutions managed in-house, or outsource that management to a specialized firm, businesses in both arenas may be on the cusp of a surge in demand.

Already, spam information clearinghouse Spamhaus has attributed up to 80 percent of the spam in the world to a collection of 200 spammers, both individuals and groups. Now the Postini email management firm claims 90 percent of the messages hitting inboxes are unwanted spam.

Multiply a given number of email recipients at a company by a few hundred spams received per day, and the load on a messaging infrastructure becomes obvious. System administrators deal with this every day.

When the problem reaches the point where C-level executives notice it, a greater urgency to addressing the problem will happen. 2007 could be the year where enough companies have had enough, and make attacking the problem a directive.

Smaller firms probably would opt for either a managed service, and pay a subscription fee on a per-user basis for another company to do the sordid spam-slicing work, or build or purchase a dedicated gateway appliance to keep spam away from the mail server.

Bigger companies look more likely to opt for an in-house solution, either crafted by onsite IT personnel or via buying the hardware to do the work. Companies like Barracuda Networks, or Secure Computing (SCUR), come to mind as appliance suppliers; there are several others.

Until the governments of the world universally crack down on spammers, gateway and managed defenses could become major players in IT departments everywhere. There is too much lost productivity in managing spam for it to be battled only with filters now.


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