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Yahoo Finance Gets Personal

By: David Utter

Eager to recoup losses in their financial advertising business, Yahoo has launched a new Personal Finance site with useful services for visitors, and spots to place premium ad content.

Yahoo Finance Gets PersonalThe Yahoo Personal Finance pages, easily reached from a tab on Yahoo's highly regarded Finance page, presents the portal company's efforts to draw people whose financial concerns center on mortgages and college expenses rather than individual stocks.

Yahoo has added elements from its other services to boost the appeal of Personal Finance. Yahoo Answers has taken off to become one of Yahoo's biggest draws. Its Finance category now has some of its questions and answers on display on Personal Finance, and visitors are invited to contribute too.

The Expert Opinions that debuted on Yahoo Finance last year have a place on Personal Finance, and they probably belong here more than on the general finance pages. In a nod to the potential windfall of visitors Digg can provide, Yahoo has included links to submit stories like the latest from Ben Stein to Digg or Delicious.

Weakness in advertising in the financial sector gave Yahoo issues with its third quarter numbers. That lucrative market became much less so, and Yahoo suffered at the hands of Wall Street when they disclosed their issues with drawing those valued ads.

Companies like Geico, E-Trade, and Progressive have made appearances in the prime top-right spot on Yahoo's Personal Finance pages. Investors in Yahoo would probably welcome seeing a greater number of ad partners from the banking and investment sectors.

If you start seeing ads for the likes of Citigroup or Bank of America appearing in the Personal Finance display ad rotation, it will be a very solid sign that Yahoo has attracted the interest they need to bulk up those weak financial ad sales from the third quarter.

Yahoo will announce its fourth quarter and full year 2006 financials after markets close on January 19th.

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